New Islamic Year – 1431

New Crescent - Muharram 1431
This evening, in silence, the new Islamic year – 1431 began. Now I don’t live in the Muslim world so I have never experienced what takes place upon seeing the new moon that ushers in the new Islamic year, but here in the United States, it goes pretty much un-noticed. In fact if it is not the moon for the start of Ramadan or the moon that ends Ramadan, most Muslims never look into the sky or even bother to notice what the Islamic date is. For me the new moon is an awaited monthly friend that I have been faithfully visiting for the last twenty years. For me it is always a joyous event. And although the moon never seems to be any different, every time it comes around it comes with a different sky as its backdrop. And so it is always something new to look at.

Muharram Crescent and Clouds
So on this eve of the New Year, I wish all the Muslims a Blessed Muharram, and may the year 1431 be a safe, prosperous, and beneficial year.
Peace to you all.