In A Hole

In A Hole
Mother Earth ceases to amaze me with the visual allegories she serves up. If we are in tune to seeing them we could find them everywhere. On seeing these small pebbles trapped in these holes in Tafoni sandstone I thought how many of us feel like we are in a hole? Overwhelmed by the state of affairs we find ourselves in, we feel trapped with no way to get out of the hole. Unable to see over the rim of the hole that traps us we fail to realize that others are probably in a hole was well.
Navigating through life without falling into a hole or two is unheard of as the journey is riddled with them. But like any trial that we endure in life, falling into a hole is not permanent, we will eventually climb out.
Rhodora Online on 08 Dec 2009 at 8:26 am #
Just a comment. I think this picture somehow falls short of convey what it meant to you when you looked at the scene. I’m referring to the feeling of being trapped and being unable to look over the rim. There’s lack of depth in this pic, it is difficult to sense that the stones are deep inside the limiting hold with the world beyond and about them…